School Streets
You may remember that East Sussex County Council in partnership with Sustrans undertook some consultation with us in the Spring of 2022 to review the previous School Streets trial and to look at how they could bring forward a more permanent School Street scheme for All Saints Lane.
The comments provided have helped to inform an early design for the scheme. The draft design involves restricting access to All Saints Lane using signage. The signage would inform drivers that the street is a ‘pedestrian and cycle zone only’ (except for access for residents) between the school drop off and pick up times.
The signage would also be supported by other measures including some planters at the entrance and exit to All Saints Lane, to reduce access and to reduce the speed of traffic alongside design patterns on the road surface which our pupils have designed. Further measures could also be considered in the future, which could include seating, more planting etc.
I have reviewed the plan and whilst I am supportive of this, I have also asked ESCC to consider whether a lockable bollard could be placed at the Ninfield Road end of All Saints Lane, which we would be required to manage.
ESCC have advised me that the next stage of work will commence with a community meeting on 20th September 2023 and will involve undertaking more detailed design. We will communicate more information as it becomes available.
Mr Taylor
Sep 2023