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All Saints Church of England Primary and Nursery School

Year 3 

Green Class

Teachers: Mrs Sinfield and Mrs O'Brien


Our topic this term is:

Extreme Earth

Our topic question is:

Why do natural disasters happen?

Knowledge Organisers

Each term, we produce a knowledge organiser to explain the key areas of the topic we will be focusing on.  A knowledge organiser is a document that contains key facts and information that children need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of a topic.

Most knowledge organisers will include:

  • the essential facts about the topic, usually laid out in easily digestible chunks
  • key vocabulary or technical terms and their meaning

This term's knowledge organisers:

Knowledge Organiser - Extreme Earth

Science Knowledge Organiser - Rocks and Soils



Homework can be found by accessing the online learning platforms:MathleticsBedrockLog-ins for these can be found in your child's reading record.

Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week and record these in their reading record and then complete quizzes on:Accelerated Reader

There is also the option to complete a creative project based homework by accessing the homework grid below.

Term 3 Homework

Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school and has removed earrings where possible, or can do so themselves.