Year 1
Orange Class
Teachers: Mrs Foot
Knowledge Organiser
Each term, we produce a knowledge organiser to explain the key areas of the topic we will be focusing on. A knowledge organiser is a document that contains key facts and information that children need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of a topic.
Most knowledge organisers will include:
- The essential facts about the topic, usually laid out in easily digestible chunks
- Key vocabulary or technical terms and their meaning
Homework grids are in the children's homework books. The children can choose to do as many of the activities as they wish. They can hand their homework in at any point in the term- we love to see what they have been doing at home.
Children are expected to read at home at least 5 times a week and record these reads in their reading records.
If you have any queries please come and ask us, we will try our best to help!