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All Saints Church of England Primary and Nursery School



Red Class 

Teachers: Mrs Smith and Mrs O'Brien 


Knowledge Organiser 

Each term, we produce a Knowledge Organiser to highlight the key areas on which we will focus. Our Knowledge Organiser is a document that contains key facts and information that children need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of the topic.

Most Knowledge Organisers will include:

  • essential facts about the topic, usually laid out in easily digestible chunks

  • key vocabulary or technical terms and their meaning

This term our Knowledge Organiser is focusing on Maths. Click on the blue button below to find out more:

Term 3 Knowledge Organiser - Maths 










Home Learning 

The focus of our Home Learning for this term is understanding the world!  Children can carry out as many Home Learning activities as they choose and if they would like to share their work in school, we would love to celebrate your child's achievements.

Click on the blue button below to find suggestions of activities you can enjoy with your child, that will also support their learning in this topic.

 Term 3 Home Learning  


We also ask that you and your child read to one another each day, to foster their love of literature.