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All Saints Church of England Primary and Nursery School

Our Environment

At All Saints Nursery, we have a wealth of resources and opportunities for learning on-site. From our wonderful Forest School; our large, open, green spaces; a fantastic wooden adventure play park; access to the large school playground and the schools indoor soft play area with balance bikes and even use of the school hall. The Nursery itself has its own private garden with mud kitchen, playhouse, and vegetable patch that opens out onto a large field. Throughout the year, our learning takes us everywhere we can go, exploring the natural world through seasonal walks or learning about our local community by visiting the greengrocers or parks.


Visiting our Nursery is always welcome throughout the school year, where our Nursery Teacher will show you around and talk though our provision and setting as well as introduce you to all the staff. Here you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the Nursery and share information about your child.








Our Nursery building has a large and extensively resourced play space for all our children as well as a smaller playroom where children can play quietly or rest should they require it.  We have a large kitchen for our cooking and creative activities as well as for healthy snacks and mealtimes. Our setting provides a warm and homely environment with traditional role play, creative and child-led exploration as well as small group and 1:1 adult-supported learning. In our ‘Community Room’ we offer frequent parent and family coffee mornings for all our Nursery and School parents. These are run by our experienced school key worker, Miss Holman Hobbs, who supports many children and families within our school.