Maths at All Saints
All Saints is proud to call itself a Maths Mastery school. Mathematics is a valued and integral part of our curriculum. Teachers ensure every opportunity for maths is embedded in every relevant subject to develop pupil's understanding of how mathematics in integral to everything we do.
At All Saints, we foster our children to be free thinking, skilful and fluent mathematicians who are resilient and empowered to make and learn from their mistakes.
Confidence in all areas of mathematics are nurtured and deepened from Nursery through to Year 6. Mathematical reasoning, problem solving and making connections form part of daily maths lessons and are paramount to children succeeding. The importance of number fluency (counting, number bonds, times tables and calculation methods) cannot be underestimated and our use of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Mastering Number as well as an additional 5 minutes of daily fluency focus allow children to hone those key skills. A child’s ability to rapidly and confidently recall number facts, reduces the cognitive load, develops confidence and allows more space to understand and solve the problem.
Follow this link to learn more through our Maths Policy.
Our Calculation Policies (EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2) set out how we teach children to use the four operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) and this skills progression further explains where different methods and skills will be taught.
Example of Year 5 independent work
Links to useful websites: - Mathletics (children have logins) - Times Tables Check Simulator Fun Maths Games and Activities BBC Bitesize Maths Revision (SATs)