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All Saints Church of England Primary and Nursery School

From September 2024 Please choose your school dinners

From September 2024, all school meals will need to be booked and choice of meal selected by parents and carers via Parentpay in advance.
You can do this on a weekly basis or daily if you prefer, selections/orders need to be in by 8am on the day the meal is consumed.
If you pay for meals, you will  need to pay when the meals are ordered and the selection of meal is made.
If your child receives a free meal you still need to order when a meal is required  and select the choice of meal.

If a child arrives at school and no booking has been made the option available will be a jacket potato.

If you book a meal in advance and then your child does not come to school due to illness, you will need to email the school office so that the dinner can be cancelled and you are not charged.

We are sending home a printed sheet today Tuesday 16th July with guidance of how to undertake this process which starts in September, our Parentpay system will be updated in the school holiday. A link to the guidance notes can be found below



The School and Nursery Office